What We Do

There is a significant gap in funding in the municipal market for both tax-exempt and taxable projects. This opportunity set exists between three areas:

graphic showing how V2 Municipal Capital fills the gap between traditional public capital markets through the sale of tax-exempt and taxable bonds, commercial bank funding and other forms of permanent financing such as agency, USDA and HUD debtgraphic showing how V2 Municipal Capital fills the gap between traditional public capital markets through the sale of tax-exempt and taxable bonds, commercial bank funding and other forms of permanent financing such as agency, USDA and HUD debt

Our experience and resources position us to fill this funding gap and offers significant benefits to our borrowers. At the same time, we are able to achieve strong covenants and other protections for the benefit of our investors. We not only facilitate the funding of important community projects, but we effectively partner with our borrowers in a way that evolves with their needs and ultimately helps them achieve their long term objectives. For example, we can assist our borrowers with identifying follow-on transactions and other expansion opportunities.

How We Structure

Often, a borrower will give us the basic elements of a transaction such as the financing of a public-purpose asset that has certain credit enhancing attributes available. Those basic elements are much like a lump of clay that needs to be shaped into a transaction that meets both the borrower’s and investor’s objectives. We actively engage with the borrower and capital partner to add shape and definition to that lump of clay.

In the end, our mission is to work through the collaborative process of creating a transaction that is highly customized and adapted to the borrower’s needs, and at the same time provide sufficiently robust protections for investors that will allow transactions to close successfully. V2MC’s strong partnership with Fundamental Advisors as capital partner uniquely positions V2MC to lead and execute these transactions.

Target Borrower Criteria

Deal size $10 MM to $125 MM or greater
Tax-exempt or taxable debt usually through a municipal conduit
No rating necessary
Targeting non-investment grade borrowers
Securities in the form of a limited offering or private placement
Real assets with a mortgage and net revenue pledges

Key Sectors of Focus

Health Care

Focusing on off-balance sheet and off-credit financings, as well as credit-tenant leases, to a wide range of assets including acute care hospitals, federally qualified health centers (FQHCs), senior care and behavioral health, and osteopathic schools


Transforming multi-family housing through conversions to not-for-profit (NFP) ownership, refinancing existing projects, and expanding and constructing new student housing facilities


Expanding facilities with new capital, refinancing public market or bank debt, and utilizing off-balance sheet and off-credit financing for higher education institutions, as well as acquiring and expanding new school sites and refinancing existing debt for charter schools


Leveraging cash flow streams from governmental entities, including tax increments, special assessments, special revenues, general obligation and tax-backed bonds, and engaging in public-private partnerships and project finance to support sustainable infrastructure development

Products and Structures Available to Borrowers

Fixed rate and floating rate debt
Tax-exempt and taxable debt
Bridge loans and interim financings; intermediate term and long-term debt
Mezzanine and subordinate investments
Drawdown financing structures
Delivery of Offering Statement after closing

Special Situations and Distressed Assets

Acquisition of existing debt and creditor-driven financing solutions
Acquisition of notes and bonds from lenders in the secondary market